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let's start the python journey

 About Python

  • What is Python?
        Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language.
  • What is the use of Programming Language ?
        Ticket Book Application
  •  Features of python 
  Free and Open Source.
  Easy to code.
  Easy to Read.  
  Object-Oriented Language.  
  GUI Programming Support. 
  High-Level Language.  
  Extensible feature. 
  Easy to Debug
  • Level of Programming Language

  • Guido van Rossum -- In the year 1989 Father of Python
  • What are the Prerequisites ?
No Prerequisites require

  • Python IDLE 
     Python IDLE offers a full-fledged file editor, 
which gives you the ability to write and execute Python programs from within this program. 
The built-in file editor also includes several features, like code completion and automatic indentation,
that will speed up your coding workflow.

  • Running your first program
Print ('Pranav')


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